Press Interviews



Bob Hoskins - Press Interviews and Statements


'The Method? Living it out? Cobblers!'

August 03, 2007 by Simon Hattenstone, The Guardian

"The worst thing I ever did? Super Mario Brothers. It was a fuckin' nightmare. The whole experience was a nightmare. It had a husband-and-wife team directing, whose arrogance had been mistaken for talent. After so many weeks their own agent told them to get off the set! Fuckin' nightmare. Fuckin' idiots."


San Sebastian Film Festival - Bob Hoskins Press Conference

October 27th, 2002

Q: I'd like to go back to one of your more commercial films, perhaps it's not your favourite, but I would like to know what attracted you Mario Bros.? Because it was going to open the doors to others possibly or you just liked the idea of the film itself? I'm sure I've said the name incorrectly but I'm sure you know what film I am referring to.

A: You're talking about Super Mario Brothers. Super Mario Brothers had a husband and wife directing team whose arrogance convinced everybody of their genius, but I'm afraid the genius wasn't there, and we watch this completely lost. It started off a very good script, but the first day they threw the script away, and they said: we'll do this our way. And when they're gone over ten million dollars their own agents threw them off the set, then we said: we've got to finish this film ourselves. The editor came down and said: I don't know what we are gonna do, we haven't one single finished scene. So basically in a week, in two weeks, we had to cobble together the film and what could have been a very, very interesting film went up... rubbish, complete rubbish. My attraction was the money in the first place (little laughter in the room).


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